Interactive Design Labs

3 Ways Digital Signage Can Empower Your Business

Interactive digital signage offers companies willing to update their locations an immense advantage in nearly every realm of customer interaction. Whether it’s used to guide customers, display uniquely experiential marketing approaches, or maintain your branding, the advantages of customized digital signage can’t be denied. Consider these three ways savvy digital signage design can offer incredible returns on initial investment:

  1. Improve in-store wayfinding

When we look at wayfinding, we find that touchscreen kiosks work wonders far beyond anything analog can offer. A map with a ‘you are here’ marker simply cannot guide customers with the efficacy of a modern interactive display. Perhaps most importantly, you can update and adjust your wayfinding solutions in response to customer needs, common problems, and business opportunities. Thoughtful software can even integrate mobile solutions, allowing customers to receive directions from kiosks which continue guiding them by means of their phones.

  1. Deliver interactive marketing

When it comes to human memory, the more senses and thought processes you engage, the better. That makes interactive marketing delivered by a touch kiosk or interactive wall immensely more potent than anything delivered via traditional signs. Not only can you make a more memorable marketing experience, you can leverage interactive software to deliver custom-tailored marketing to each customer, greatly enhancing their interaction with your franchise or organization via personalization.

  1. Shape your brand

Digital signage says a lot about your business, even before you look at what it says specifically. Using the right combination of technologies and marketing, you can utilize modern digital signage to strongly imprint your brand upon the memory of customers or guests. Digital solutions possess an incredible potential to unify the in-store experience to better match your brand goals. Why settle for the disunity of various other forms of advertising, wayfinding, and customer support, when you can bring it all together in a single interactive solution?

Digital signage may seem like a thought to place on the back-burner now, but take a moment to recall the numerous places you’ve already seen touchscreen and digital signage at work – fast food menus, digital wayfinding at college campuses, table games at chain restaurants – now is the time to get in front of your competitors. Adopt the benefits of interactive in-store displays now, before they become the new normal. Eventually digital signage will be another mandatory upgrade to your business, costing money simply to keep you on par with the other businesses!

Get in contact with Interactive Design Labs today to learn how we can help you reach more customers, increase awareness of your company, and advertise new campaigns in an instant with digital signage!