Interactive Design Labs

Ways to Leverage an Interactive Wall at Your Business

Whether you already have an interactive wall in place and need new ways to utilize it, or you’re considering the potential value of digital signage for your business, these four applications of this exciting new technology are certain to add new dimensions to the way you interact with visitors. Don’t be afraid to experiment, bearing in mind one simple idea: the core of proper digital signage is the customer experience.


Nothing beats an interactive wall as a wayfinding tool. Why stick to a static map with a ‘You Are Here’ sticker when you can deliver helpful directions via a touchscreen system, sync up with customers’ mobile devices to deliver perfect navigation, and leverage the opportunity to toss in a relevant advertisement or two?

Versatile Advertisements

A simple application of an interactive wall, but an effective one nonetheless. Combined with mobile app integration or other interactive tools, our team of experts can develop a system which delivers the right advertisements to the right customers, greatly enhancing sales. The best part about this application of your signage is that it works in tandem with anything else you may want to do.

Customer Support

Why stop with wayfinding when your interactive wall might be able to take even more stress off your beleaguered employees? Whether it’s by directly helping customers with their issues or by giving employees a way to help without running across the store, digital signage linked to a customer support system can appease your employees and guests.


Sometimes, it’s enough for an interactive wall to be something fun. Put games on it to keep kids busy while their parents go about their business, use engaging and fun advertisement to attract attention and gather information, or simply leverage the wall as another audio/visual output system when necessary. The sky’s the limit, especially with a savvy developer working with you to make the most of your tech.

These are just the tip of the iceberg on the potential of interactive digital signage, but it should help paint a strong picture of the possibilities. If you are ready to take the next step towards interactive signage for your business, give Interactive Design Labs a call today! We are looking forward to hearing more about your business and ideas!