Digital Wayfinding Systems

Designing Smarter Systems

Imagine walking into a large hospital or government building—the first thing most visitors will do is search for directions to guide them to the right room. There’s a little arrow that says “You Are Here” and you repeat the steps in your head as you find your way. That’s all well and good, but it’s the future, and finding your way should be faster, easier, and more intuitive. That’s where the digital wayfinding comes in.

At IDL, we build digital wayfinding systems using customized software developed by our team, paired with trusted, cutting-edge hardware from brands such as Planar, LG, and Samsung. This results in a final product that is sleek, engaging, and most importantly, effective. More than just a simple map, digital wayfinding solutions can provide your guests with a variety of other options to help them guide their way. With your kiosk they can tell the time, the weather, see important news updates, search for a specific name in a directory, or even utilize Bluetooth to allow the system to send step-by-step directions to their phone.

All Signs Point to Wayfinding

From multi-story hospitals with dozens of wings to governmental buildings with a maze of offices and looping hallways, a better solution to helping visitors find their way exists, and IDL is ready to help you build it! We can design way finding systems for a variety of applications, including:

  • Museums
  • Schools
  • Office Buildings
  • Casinos
  • Hotels
  • City Parks
  • Theme Parks
  • Malls/Shopping Centers

In order to build a system that’s tailored to your needs and seamlessly integrates with your organization, we’ll set up a video or conference call with you and your team to find out exactly what you’re looking for in a wayfinding solution. Will it be outside? Do you plan to have advertising? All this and more will determine how we customize your display to meet your demands and your budget.
See all the ways you can enhance your visitors’ experience today! Contact IDL to learn more about interactive displays, wayfinding systems, and more!

Contact Us

7777 Jefferson St NE,
Albuquerque, NM 87109

Call: 505-985-5859
Main: 877-752-3919